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For some applications, you just need some liner that stuff won't stick to.  Maybe this liner is needed to protect table tops in a laboratory environment or perhaps you need a release liner in your prototyping lab.  For these applications, we keep an inventory of rolls that we call LabLease.  The rolls are boxed up and ready to ship via UPS.  


Lablease rolls can be coated on one-side or on two-sides.  We stock a medium weight paper and a heavy weight paper.

LabLease roll B-7.jpg

LabLease Release Paper Pricing

LabLease 2022 Pricing cropped.png

Recognizing a need for small rolls of release paper to be used in laboratories, pilot plants or product development, we have developed a line of rolls coated on one-side or two-sides with silicone release. We have also added a line of sheets which can be ordered in lots of 2,000. 


These release papers will be in stock and can be shipped within a day of receiving your order.


These rolls are small enough to be easily handled and can be shipped via UPS Ground


We also offer a large variety of custom slit or sheeted release liners. Please call us at (513) 936-9122 for your release liner needs. All LabLease prices include delivery via UPS Ground

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